The illness presents itself with a slight fever, a sore throat and feeling unwell. One or two days later, the runny nose follows, the cough sets in and the nose runs – the classic symptoms of a cold. But in summer, many people are irritated when they wake up in the morning with the first signs of illness: Can you even catch a cold when the outside temperature is warm?
The answer is: yes. Although the autumn and winter months in particular are considered the classic cold season, you can also become infected with these annoying viruses in summer flu. Contrary to what the word “cold” suggests, you don’t need “cold” to get sick. “The cold itself only plays an indirect role. What is much more important is that a sufficient number of pathogens find the right gap in our body’s immune system. This happens less often in summer, but is still possible,” it says on the site the “HKK health insurance company”.
The strength of the immune system’s defenses and thus the protection against pathogens is influenced by many different factors. Are we supplied with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins? Have we had enough sleep and rest in the last few days and weeks? Are we possibly stressed?
Coughs, fever and sore throats in the warm season are also colloquially known as “summer flu”. But the name is misleading because in most cases it is an infection with classic cold pathogens. The real flu manifests itself with a pronounced, sudden feeling of illness and a high fever. It is caused by influenza viruses, against which there are vaccines. However, you cannot be immunized against the pathogens that cause a cold – usually rhinoviruses. If there is talk of a “flu-like infection”, it is usually a somewhat more severe cold.
Summer flu: These factors influence the risk of catching a cold
Viruses have an easy time of it in winter: the cold, dry air makes them more stable. At the same time, there are poor conditions for the “virus host”, i.e. humans. The lungs suffer from the cool air and become more susceptible to pathogens. The immune system is also weakened due to the low level of sunlight and the vitamin D level drops.
This problem does not exist in summer flu. But cool air conditioning systems in buses, public buildings, trains or planes make infection with cold viruses easier. Although cold does not automatically cause a cold, it can weaken the immune system, making it easier for viruses to spread throughout the body. Fans or cool summer evenings in short dresses also have a cooling effect on the body – which increases the risk of “summer flu”. How can this be prevented?

Prevent summer flu
In winter and summer flu, washing your hands is the best protection against pathogens – it is best to clean your hands several times a day with soap and water for 20 to 30 seconds. Alternating showers and saunas can also prevent colds by strengthening the body’s defenses. In summer it is important to pay attention to air conditioning systems that are set too cold and to draw the attention of train or flight attendants to this. If you plan to be out and about all day, you should pack a thin jacket or scarf for the cool evening hours.
Heal naturally:Sore throat, diarrhea, sleep disorders: You should know these seven home remedies
Sore throat
The name of the sage plant comes from the Latin word “salvare”, meaning to heal. In fact, the plant has an antibacterial effect and inhibits the growth of viruses and fungi. In addition to the antiseptic effect, there are decongestant and vascular sealing properties, and the thujone contained in the essential oil has a pain-relieving effect. The experts from Commission E, an expert committee for herbal medicines, therefore recommend gargling with sage tea for mouth and throat infections.
➝ Pour half a liter of boiling water over a teaspoon of dried sage leaves.
➝ Let it steep for ten minutes and drain the tea.
➝ Gargle with it several times a day until the symptoms subside.

And what do you do if you get caught despite all the precautionary measures? As in winter, common home remedies help. That means: drink lots of water, take it easy, inhale and suck cough drops – preferably sugar-free ones.