Why limit the purchase of clothing?

talk of limiting the purchase of clothing

There is a growing talk of limiting the purchase of clothing. However, it is not always obvious, when we see the many opportunities and offers that come to us every day. Newsletter, private sales, private event as a good client, preview collection… You wonderhow to doit? Here are our six tracks to get back to a more conscious fashion. Ready? Let’s go.

Why limit the purchase of clothing?

Today, more and more actorsare denouncing over-consumption of clothing.

Indeed, we would have60% more clothes thanin the early 2000s and would wearfor half as long. An average of 40 pieces per year buys an average of 9.5 kilograms of clothing.

The fashion industry isof the most pollutingWe’re being our planet. And this is at every stage of the life of the garment:

  • fibre production;
  • the manufacture of clothing (drying, treatment);
  • the use of clothing or their recycling.

These activities pollute rivers and oceans with microfibres that detach from textiles, but also with the products used, not to mention laundry.

And all this,without taking into account the working conditionsof those who make these clothes.

You add to that the expenditure budget that this represents.

This portrait is not flattering, you will agree. However, it is possible, as a to consume,to make a difference. This is why limiting the purchase of clothing is important.

Do you, too, wantto takeaction?

So here are some ideas to study. Let us each do our part. Come on, let’s go.

Our first 5 ways to contribute to a fairer fashion

Don’t worry, we’re not gotoask youto sew your clothes yourself (though this may be another solution).

Let us take a closer look at what we can improve, each at our level.

1) Choose your signs

Some chain stores do everything toencourages overconsumption of textiles. They release several collections a year. The materials used are often fairly poor and not recyclable. This is called fast fashion.

So, if you want to limit the purchase of garments, turn to brands that offerquality pieces. Your clotheslast will continue, come inbetter conditionsand have the impact on the environment.

To help you with your shopping, you can refer to the labels:

  • Ecocert
  • Oecotex
  • European eco-label
  • GOTS (Global Organic Textile Standard)
  • Max Havelaar
  • Fair Wear Foundation

They each have theirparticularities. Some focus on textile production, others on the working conditions of workers, or on the entire stages of production of clothing.

And don’t forgetto sort it out in your newsletters. Unsubscribe from the signs that don’t fit you anymore.

Are you still here? Come on, let’s keep going.

2) Buy second-hand to restrict the purchase of clothing

Today,second-hand buying is becoming more democratic. You can make your choice online, with sites and apps like Vinted, for example.

Are you afraid of falling on a scam?

So, you can also do your shopping in thethrift shops. Some people especially like to find an interesting piece.

It’s kind of likea treasure hunt, in shorts.

(3) Barter.

Do you have friends who like to dress well, butwho alsowantto limit the purchase ofclothes? And why not organize abarter between you?

Each sorts in his cabinet, sets aside the pieces that he no longer wants to wear.

All you have to do is trade.

purchase of clothing
purchase of clothing

(4) Think about recycling

You’vewas sorting in your wardrobe And you have clothes that you want to get rid of? Don’t throw them in the trash.

You cangivetheya second life.


  • selling (thrift blinds, applications, the right place, etc.);them in second hand (thrift stores, specialized applications, the right corner, etc.);
  • Givingthem around you. Did your little home shop just have a baby? Propose to him the clothes of your little one, maybe that’s interesting to him.
  • You can alsooffer themdonating sites (or on your city’s Facebook group).
  • Byentrusting them to a local association that collects clothes for those who cannot afford it.
  • Bydepositingthem in a collection point.

(5) Applies the BISOU method to limit the purchase of clothing

Do you really feel like cracking we have garment? Before you make your purchase a reality, you can go through the filters of the BISOU method. This will allow you tolimit the purchase of clothing for corners you will not wear.

The B correspond to Need

What do you need to answer to?

Do you want to buy this beautiful T-shirt because you’ve made an inventory of your clothes and you’d like another light-colored model to complete your cupboard?

Now have you had a bad day and this is a way for you to console yourself?

No. guilt. This step is tobe aware of what is being playedout (or part of, at least).

I, for Immediate.

Do you need it right now?

This isvery rarely the case, it must be admitted.

The S of Similar

Do you already have asimilar roomin your dressing room? A small nuance here, all the same: the basics are a little different in this topic.

Of course, we do not advise you to have 20 similar T-shirts. But if you wear a lot ofthey, you canadapt your purchases to make them coincide with your daily life.

The O for Origin

Where does this article come from? How was it made, what is the philosophy of the brand? Focuses on the responsiblecompanies.

The U of Utile

Here, we are talking above all about thenumber of times the article in questionIs going to be worn.

An example?

You’re invited to a wedding. So you’re thinking about what you’re going to wear. Are you going to put this outfit back on next?

If the answer is no,is it worthbuying a coin that you will only wear once? It is now possible torent or borrow a packagefor such an opportunity.

This will prevent you fromoverloading your dressing roomwith a set that you’re only going to put on ounce.

If the answer is yes, then investment can be interesting.

Our preferred method to limit the purchase of clothing: the basics Naiakitsu

In our view, the best way not tospend all your salary on clothesand andto protect the planetis to base its wardrobe on a solid foundation.

And for that, nothing better thantimeless, high-quality basics.

That is why we offer you your Naiakitsu rooms.

They aretimeless, purpose canadapt to your personalityand current desires withthe various accessories on offer.

They are designed in asustainableway, to beresilientand to accompany you over the years.

Yearoriginal concept, so, but which is also asrespectful as possible of our planetand its inhabitants.

Do you want to discover our bold basics? You just have to go to the shop.

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