International dog day 2024: When? What’s the point?

You must read International dog day 2024

International dog day 2024, which takes place on 26 August, is reflected in many ways in the world and in France. The annual celebration first seeks to pay tribute to an animal that has been able – through its many qualities – to have given itself a privileged place for humans for millennia. This date is also intended to inform and act in favour of the only canid who has been invited to our homes.

International dog day 2024: 26 August

International dog day is held every year on 26 August. The celebration was launched by the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) to care for and protect the rights of the best friend of man. The day has originated in National Dog Day, which has been celebrated in the United States since 2004.

International Fund for the Protection of Animals: what is it?

The International Animal Welfare Fund (IFAW) was established in Canada in 1969 by Welsh-based activist Brian Davies. The world non-profit organization has special consultative status with the United Nations Economic and Social Council. From seals to elephants to koalas and dogs, the body is implementing a multitude of actions to save endangered animals on the planet. IFAW is present in more than 40 countries. Its international headquarters are in Washington DC, United States and its French representation in Reims.

What is International Dog Day?

International dog day 2024 was initiated by IFAW with a view to encouraging homeowners and dogdoers to celebrate and cherish them. The organization works on a daily basis to improve the living conditions of dogs around the world by supporting all projects dedicated to improving the quality of care provided to them. On 26 August, the international approaches are intended to provide all kinds of information on the dog world and to act for the well-being of the dog, also highlighting the abuse to which it is subjected in distant places and also on our doorstep.

International dog day 2024

26 August: an information day

On International dog day 2024, the organisers implement initiatives that emphasize the bonds that humans and dogs have maintained for thousands of years. The relayed information highlights this unique relationship through various facets:

  • Domestication. The day of 26 August reminds us that the dog remains the only domesticated species of the family of canids (which also includes the wolf, fox, coyote, jackal, etc.). In the Paleolithic age, game hunted by dogs and humans frequently brought them into competition. The hominids would then have quickly perceived the benefits that they could derive from the animal’s abilities (sharp and gentleness, speed and endurance). The first associations were aimed at using the dog (wolf at the time) in hunting activities and incidentally to guard the camp;
  • Cooperation. Over the past few centuries, the many qualities of the canid have made it indispensable in certain missions that man began to entrust to him. Thus, it is called a utility dog or a working dog when it performs tasks for which it has been selected and raised. Examples include hunting, guard, sledge, herds, research (narcotics, disease) or assistance dogs;
  • The company. The dog has been able to find an environment with humans in which it has been very well adapted. This ability to adapt has allowed the species to spread around the globe and to unfold admirable morphological and behavioural diversity. This unique development in the animal world has generated perfect integration in our urban societies and in our homes where it has become a full member of the family;
  • Health benefits. Studying, the dog is a mine of virtues for its master. Thanks to the exits he needs and the softness that he prodigals, the dog is a cure on his own: improvement of cardiovascular health (caressing a dog has a beneficial action on heart rate and blood pressure), better physical fitness, attenuation of the level of stress, reduction of the depressive state or even more active social life.

26 August: a day of action

While animal protection structures work on a daily basis, 26 August it highlights the phenomenon of abuse and abandonment and to raise public awareness of the canine cause. In this context, associations are encouraged to put in place actions to encourage the adoption of dogs. On this occasion, it is recalled that France holds the sad European record with more than 100 000 drop-outs of domestic animals per year, including 60 000 in the summer season. As the International Dog Day, taking place in the summer, organizations provide guides listing natural sites for hairballs and a list of dog-watching organizations so that each member of the family can spend a serene holiday.

To celebrate International dog day 2024, everyone is invited to make a gesture according to their possibilities: adopt an animal, make a donation to an association, relay information about the dog world or share their happiness on the Internet through photos or videos of their best friend.

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