Whooping cough: Whom does whooping cough affect? Causes & Symptoms

whooping cough Causes and Symptoms

Pertussis, or whooping cough, is a extraordinarily contagious respiratory tract infection. Many persons revel in a robust hacking cough, observed with the aid of a high-pitched consumption of breath that feels like “whoop.”

Details on whooping cough 

Whooping cough changed into taken into consideration a pediatric ailment prior to the improvement of the vaccination. Whooping cough now in large part affects kids who’re too younger to have received all of their immunizations, in addition to young adults and adults whose protection has waned.Deaths from whooping cough are uncommon, however they most customarily arise in newborns. 

Symptoms of whooping cough often show among 7-10 days of infection, however may also take longer in certain cases.

Runny nose.
Nasal congestion.
Red, watery eyes.
Symptoms: fever and cough.

After a week or two, the signs and symptoms worsen. Thick mucus builds up inside your airways, resulting in excessive coughing. Severe and sustained coughing bouts can:

Provoke vomiting
Symptoms include a flushed or blue face and excessive weariness.
End with a high-pitched “whoop” sound on the next breath of air.

When to visit a doctor.

If you or your kid experience extended coughing spells, call your doctor.

More info on Whooping cough

Turn red or blue.
Appears to be laboring to breathe or has noticeable pauses in breathing.
Inhale, making a whooping sound.


Whooping is caused by the bacterium Bordetella pertussis. When an infected individual coughs or sneezes, tiny germ-laden droplets are sprayed into the air and breathed into the lungs of anyone who was nearby. 

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