6 Tricks to Bring Your Let’s Play Videos To The Next Level

Latest News Let’s Play Videos To The Next Level

Let’s Play Videos To The Next Level: Let’s Play is a picture making or a video series of an individual playing a video game and simultaneously making a commentary about it. Now, there are broadly two types of Let’s Play. One being the screenshot type and the other, the video type. 

There are various tricks to bring these videos to the next level. For instance, by choosing the right way to record a video, using a video maker to create amazing videos, and many more. In this article, we will take a look at the ways we can enhance this process and take the activity of Let’s Play to another level! 

What are Let’s Play Videos? 

A Let’s Play which is also known as LP is mostly a video that accompanies a commentary from the side of the creator. Sometimes, a Let’s Play even includes screenshots that are accompanied by a certain kind of text. Some videos also accompany a camera view of the gamer, wherein the gamer plays the game and simultaneously delivers commentary on it. 

Let’s Play differs from a strategy guide or a video game walkthrough. It focuses on an individual’s personal experience. Moreover, it also focuses on the gamer’s subjective experiences he/she faces while playing the game. It includes commentary of all types, humorous, critical, etc. 

It does not provide objective information as to how the game should be played, rather it gives us a personal experience of the gamer who is playing. The live stream and the Let’s Play Videos are quite related to each other. However, there is a slight difference between the two. 

Let’s Play Videos have a curated experience that includes narration and editing. These videos tend to be scripted. On the other hand, live streams are unedited and performed on the spot. 

6 Tricks For Let’s Play Videos

Let’s Play Videos can garner a lot of views, likes as well as shares if you adopt the effective methods,These Let’s Play Videos are a good medium to earn. So, any individual who is interested in gaming should think of it as a medium to earn out of it. 

To succeed in this line, you should follow certain algorithms and steps which would ensure proper income. Any gamer who makes Let’s Play Videos should try to make their content more engaging and influential. This way, more audiences will get attracted to your platform. Now, let’s take a look at the 6 basic tips to gather a large audience at your gaming platform.

  • Preparation: Choosing a Game

It is highly recommended that you should choose the game that you love to play and can ace easily. Once you’ve chosen the game of your choice, your enthusiasm will be displayed naturally. However, you should try to avoid the commonly played games like Minecraft, Slender, Super Mario 64, etc. Playing these games will attract over-saturated audiences. Moreover, playing common games is also a matter of risk. As there is a 100% chance that your video will get lost in the mix of many. 

  • Find the Best Way to Record Your Video 

For recording games on your personal computer, you might want to get a video capture screen. For instance, Frap is a good app to record your video. However, it leaves a watermark and has a time limit of recording. However, you can use a video maker to remove watermarks.

D3DGear has similar features and is believed to be equally good for recording purposes. To capture a video clip from the video game you are playing, you’ll need to have a capture card, a video card that has video inputs. You will also need a USB/ FireWire converter, a DVD recorder, and a camcorder that has AV inputs. This way you’ll be able to connect directly to your video game. 

  • Record Audio Clearly

To record the audio for your video coherently and clearly, you should use an audio editing app. There are a lot of options that you can choose from for the same. Apps like Audacity will prove to be the best for this purpose. However, you should ensure that you do not keep the microphone too close to your mouth. This can result in a muffled voice which might not sound good to the viewer. 

Live commentary or delivering commentary while you’re playing the game is a difficult task.If you aren’t confident enough and think that you might fumble in the live commentary, you should consider post-commentary. You can easily record the game first, then record the audio separately. Finally, merge the two things later and edit it according to your convenience using a video maker. 

  • Systematic Recording of the Video

Firstly, as you begin with the recording process you should ensure that you record a good introduction. If you have released any video before that then you can even add a summary about that video in your new video recording. However, you must ensure that the introduction is not too time-consuming and is presented in brief. 

  • Develop a Sense of Humour

Even though you might be wondering as to what use will this advice have, you must try to develop a sense of humour. It is essential because if you fumble during the live stream or cause any glitch then you should have a quick wit and a sense of humour to cover it up. 

You should avoid fake laughs. Instead, it should look normal and genuine. You could even make fun of yourself, this will entertain the viewer and will benefit you. Adding sound effects by using a video maker can also aid you!

  • Share Useful Tips and Tricks 

You shouldn’t only focus on your game instead when you fall or are taking a break. Instead, you should try to spread some knowledge. Try to deliver some tips and tricks that you might have learned in all the years you’ve been playing the game. This will motivate the viewers to keep watching your videos and they might even recommend them to their friends and peers. 

Final Thoughts 

These were some of the most important tips that you should keep in mind before you record a video. Ensuring that all these steps are followed will give you the desired results. 

Also, the most important thing is the quality of the video. You should try to level it up with every new release so that the viewer is able to watch you grow! Moreover, don’t hesitate to use some readymade tools like a video maker to simplify the editing process.

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