Forest fires in Croatia: What travelers currently need to know

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Like many other countries in southeastern Europe, Forest fires in Croatia is currently suffering from a heat wave. Another Forest fires in Croatia has gotten out of control. The flames burn near a popular national park.

Forest fires In Croatia, many people are currently sweating at temperatures well above 30 degrees Celsius. But it’s not just the extreme heat that’s causing problems for locals and holidaymakers alike. The risk of forest fires is also high in many places.

It was only on Thursday, July 18th that firefighters had to respond to a major forest fire near the holiday resort of Trogir on the Adriatic. The flames threatened to spread to a hotel complex and several other buildings, as the national fire brigade association in Croatia announced. A campsite near the village of Donji was also threatened by the flames. Now there is fire again, including near the Krka National Park, which is popular with travelers.

Where is there currently a Forest fires in Croatia?

A violent forest fire is currently raging in the Croatian region of Dalmatia. The fire broke out on Tuesday, July 30, in the Šibenik-Knina district, the regional fire department informs . The operational area is located on the edge of the Krka National Park, which is popular with tourists and famous for its waterfalls. Due to the fire, there are now some visiting restrictions in place.

The Parks website currently informs that trips to Visovac and Roški Slap are not possible due to smoke. All other places on the upper and lower reaches of the Krka River remain open for visits. Any changes in the situation and important notices would be published on the official website and social networks.

A serious fire also raged near the southern coastal town of Tučepi, but the fire has now been contained. In addition to the major fires in the Skradin – Ićevo and Tučepi area, new fires broke out on Wednesday. According to the Croatian Fire Brigade Association, there were 122 firefighting operations in the past 24 hours (July 31 to August 1). 244 firefighting organizations with a total of 755 firefighters, 257 fire engines and 10 firefighting aircraft were deployed.

Map shows forest fires in Croatia

This map shows where Forest fires in Croatia are currently raging in Croatia. It was created using NASA data..

Forest fires in Croatia

Can my vacation take place in Croatia?

Travelers should definitely find out before their departure whether there is a fire near their holiday destination – if this is the case, they should contact the organizer.

It may well happen that tourist places in Croatia are evacuated as a precaution because a fire nearby cannot be brought under control. In this case, people in the affected regions should receive a warning text message on their cell phone with a shrill signal tone.

Forest fire: Can I cancel my planned vacation?

Forest fires are considered exceptional circumstances. However, there are legal differences between package and individual trips. In the case of a package holiday, travelers can cancel the travel contract free of charge under certain circumstances. “The tour operator then has to pay back the price,” said travel lawyer Paul Degott to reisereporter.

However, package travelers can only rely on exceptional circumstances if the forest fires are in the immediate vicinity of the holiday destination and there are specific disruptions such as ashfall or evacuation.

Anyone who is already in Croatia and is suddenly affected by the Forest fires in Croatia can cancel their trip early with their tour operator. Travelers and organizers then have to divide the additional costs for the early return journey between themselves, says Degott. There are also claims for a reduction.

Forest fire: When can the vacation not be canceled?

Travelers who are only starting their vacation in a few weeks should wait and see how the fires develop at their vacation destination. Because pure fear of Forest fires in Croatia does not justify free resignation, says Degott. In addition, the right to free cancellation cannot be exercised if the fires are far away from the holiday destination.

Individual travelers must adhere to the contractual conditions of their flight and the booked accommodation. The cancellation options should be written down there. The following often applies: If a flight is taking place and accommodation is available, it cannot be canceled free of charge.

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