Jarah Mariano, Milo Ventimiglia actor’s wife, revealed her pregnancy on September 29. “Baby on board!” is the caption for the Instagram picture that the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit model posted of herself sitting on a surf board in the water in her home state of Hawaii, revealing a baby bump.
Milo Ventimiglia’s wife is pregnant
A second photo of the 39-year-old, whose last name is the same as Milo Ventimiglia’s character from the Gilmore Girls television series from the early 2000s, showed her seated on the surf board with the hand of an unidentified individual making the “hang loose” or “shaka” symbol.
Less than a week after she and the 47-year-old Heroes alumnus celebrated their first wedding anniversary, Jarah revealed she was pregnant.
“I can say that I am grateful for the life that we have together and the happiness that we have created,” the Victoria’s Secret model went on.
In Hawaiian, she wrote “I like you,” and in English, “my husband Milo.”
After getting married, Milo, who isn’t on social media, and Jarah didn’t make their union public. Weeks after the announcement, in October 2023, the actor gave fans some information about the wedding.
Milo Ventimiglia discussed his and his wife’s common history in a prior interview.
Additionally, Milo admitted that it was a coincidence that he married a woman who shared his Gilmore Girls character’s last name.
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