Write for Us + Product Reviews Guest Post: Read All Qualifications To Submit a Guest Post!

about-gerenal-information Write for Us + Product Reviews Guest Post

The article provides exclusive guidelines and rules for presenting the Write for Us + Product Reviews Guest Post articles to the catherinehardwicke website.

Are you a person with exceptional reviewing abilities? Are you the kind of person who wants to bring out the fake products circulating on the market and create awareness among people? Then please share your experiences in the form of Write for Us + Product Reviews Guest Post articles to assist us in keeping our readers safe from financial scams. To make that happen, we have framed a set of rules that must be followed to create quality and reader-friendly content. 

Introduction to our platform “Catherinehardwicke.com

Our website works based on our name, and yes, we publish two types of genuine content for our Product Reviews + Write for Us readers on our platform: Type 1 is General Informational topics, and Type 2 is Review Articles. Our review article has helped many people to avoid illicit products. And eventually, we are proud to take that as an honour for creating good content.

Our similar set of topics includes,

  • Office
  • Reviews of the latest websites and products
  • Health care
  • Business Tips
  • Shopping Tips

Essential Qualities and Responsibilities of the Write for Us + Product Reviews writers

The guest post writers should have good analytical skills for reviewing the products. They should conduct research from multiple credible sources and present their thoughts on the product. We expect the guest post writers to be very responsible in dealing with these topics because many of our readers will regularly read our “Write for Us” + Product Reviews articles. 

If the writers make a mistake in the findings, either it will affect the business of a new product seller, or people reading the article may lose their hard-earned money to the fake products.

As a result, guest post contributors should thoroughly research the product before deciding.

They should also take note of the customer reviews and check the legitimacy of the reviewing website in their “Write for Us” + “Product Reviews” article; presently, many bots have been employed to pass along positive reviews about the products. Thus, writers should have the skills to look for genuine ones.

Educational requirements: Graduates from any firm may apply but must have prior knowledge of reviewing the products.

Experience: We need a quality article, which can be from a fresher or more experienced person.

Write for Us Product Reviews Sample articles

  • The guest posts writers can pick two topics: one will be the article that shares any reviews of the latest products, and the writers can pick their desired products. For example, video game products, hair styling products, electronic gadgets, etc.
  • They can also present the articles with innovative techniques and guidelines for reviewing the products.

Product Reviews Write for Us articles Guidelines

  • The word limit of the article should be at least 750, and it can go up to 1500 words.
  • The articles should compulsorily have a specification section. The writers should add detailed product specifications in that section, including the product name, price, types, brand name, manufacturing date, and physical dimensions.
  • Write for Us+ Product Reviews Writers must always present both the positive and negative aspects of their products.
  • The legitimacy section of the content is essential, as it allows the writers to conduct technical analyses of the product, its brand name, and its shopping sites.
  • The article shouldn’t have any plagiarised sentences, must be 100% unique and indigenous, and should belong to the respective writers’ work.
  • The article should have a Grammarly score of 99% or higher and a high readability score.

“Write for Us” + Product Reviews articles SEO guidelines

  • In the product reviews article, keywords play a major role because many product reviews will be published for a single product. Thus, we need to include the keywords in the article to get a google ranking index. However, writers must include the keywords “reviews” and “legitimacy” in their articles.
  • After completing 70 to 80 percent of the article, the writers should add the appropriate external and internal links.

Product Reviews + “Write for Us” writers Benefits

The Product review articles will undoubtedly appeal to many people, both within and outside our readership. Suppose the writer presents high-quality and cathrine reviews. In that case, they will surely reach the hearts of many people and become regular readers of the respective guest post writers, which will help them gain more career opportunities.

How to reach us to submit the Product Reviews “Write for Us” articles?

After completing all the necessary evaluations of the respective products, the writers can send their reviews to this Email Address [[email protected]]. Please submit the completed review article.


In today’s digital world, reviews are one of the best ways to protect people from scammers and hackers; they are more like a public service. And we expect the Write for Us + Product Reviews Guest Post writers to perform the services genuinely and cleanly. Let us create a vigilant community with our Product review articles. 

Have you been impressed with our guidelines? Share your thoughts on it.

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