The Role of Technology in The Evolution of Communication

Latest News Technology in The Evolution of Communication

Technology in The Evolution of Communication – Since we have been existing on this planet, we have come up with various forms of communication patterns to interact with each other—from sending birds as messengers and fire signals to email and cellphones—that have continuously evolved how we stay in touch with people in our surroundings.  

A major development in this field arrived in 1831 when they invented the electric telegraph. Although post was already existing as a pattern of communication prior to this date, it was only engineering (electrical) which caused a noticeable impact in the nineteenth century. 

Now, modern digital methods have taken over almost 90% of communication mediums, especially in the corporate world. I am sure none of you can recall the last time you wrote a letter to someone; we all rely on text messaging or emails now to share important information with other people. Even our signatures have become digital! 

Here are some of the most significant ways in which communication has evolved during the last few decades. Let’s take a look!

The Telephone

The telephone was invented in 1849 and within the first fifty years only, it became an essential item for every household and workplace, however, tethering largely impacted the privacy and flexibility of devices. After that, the tech experts came up with the mobile phone. Motorola was the very first company that created a mobile phone in 1973 and later came up with a series of developments that changed the communication medium forever. 

The smartphones that were invented in the beginning specifically focused on the enterprise industry aiming to minimize the gaps between PDAs and telephones. However, those telephone models turned out to be quite oversized and also had short battery lives. As technological advancements became more frequent in this field, finally Nokia came up with QWERTY keypads cellphones in 1996 which soon gained a huge customer base.

In 2010, the cellphone tech industry took a U-turn and most of the Android phones became touch-screens only. The tech progress in the field of cellphones still continues and companies from all over the world are coming up with more advanced phones every day. Needless to say, today we have numerous mobile phone models that are being used in different parts of the world according to their graphics, features, cost, and design, etc. 

The Internet 

Undoubtedly, since the middle of 1990s, the internet has largely impacted the mediums of our communication by introducing new interaction methods like text messages, video and conference calls, VoIP, social platforms, chat rooms, and networking etc. 

The internet has totally transformed communication in every way. Today, we can easily stay in touch with people from all over the world regardless of their time and location. The internet has also provided us with a long list of opportunities to even expand our personal and professional networks. It has helped people to become more expressive on different social media platforms, raise their voice for their rights, and enjoy their favorite videos and memes on numerous websites. 

Because we use the internet for all types of communication, entertainment, and networking purposes, we have become extremely dependent on it to carry out our everyday work and personal life affairs. This is the reason why having a turtle-like network speed is one of the worst things to deal with, especially on a movie night. Therefore, you should always ensure to have a stable internet connection at home to enjoy nonstop browsing, streaming, and surfing on your favorite sites. For example, you can reach out to any reliable internet service provider like CenturyLink internet that is not only fast but also very secure for all types of internet activities. The best part is that their internet packages are easily affordable for everyone, starting from $50 per month only! 

Virtual Reality (VR) 

The Virtual Reality (VR) next generation has been with us since 2016 only, but it has already shaken up the existing communication patterns. The ultimate beauty of Virtual Reality is that it connects you to people from anywhere around the world, without the time gap and traveling costs, even if they are living on different continents.

In a general discussion, much of the information is based on non-verbal communication which can easily be transcribed in VR. Voice tone, facial expressions, hesitations, gestures, head, and hand movements vastly improve the gauging of the participants’ intent. Moreover, in VR, every type of distraction is removed and you can fully focus on what is happening around you. MeetinVR also states that you experience a 25% rise in the attention span when meeting in VR as compared to simple video calls. Isn’t that amazing?


5G is the 5th generation of the cellphone network which promotes much quicker uploading and downloading speeds, offers a broader coverage and instant connectivity. These benefits have brought about significant improvements in communication patterns all over the world. Instantaneous communication will soon become possible and those annoying video conference calls will become outdated.

The current 4G transmission speed on an average for all smartphones is about 21 Mbps mark. However, 5G is going to be a hundred to thousand times faster. The Consumer Technology Association states that with this speed, you can also download a two-hour movie in just 3.6 seconds versus 6 minutes on 4G network or 26 hours on 3G. Surprising, right? 

The Bottom-line

Looking ahead, we can already hear a buzz regarding 6G. However, it is still in the basic research stages and it would take about 15-20 years to appear in the market. Still, it seems interesting. 6G is said to create the framework of the inter-connected world we all aspire towards, and along with it we will witness a series of improvements in the field of communication and tech. 

Technology and wireless communication is fairly vast topic; the internet is full of articles and blogs that provide tons of information about the advancements in these fields. For more details, you can always reach out to any tech website like DigitalTechBusiness and enjoy reading about the evolution of wireless communication mediums and much more. However, before you begin your research, always ensure that your internet connection is reliable and supports nonstop browsing and streaming. You surely wouldn’t want to get stuck between different web pages while conducting your research, isn’t it? Well, for your convenience, you can always choose a high-speed, safe, and reliable internet connection like Spectrum which offers tremendously affordable internet packages to all types of users. Simply dial Spectrum phone number now and get more details about their amazing bundles and deals!

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